Kate Dunn   Online Counselling and Supervision

Write It Out Groups. Write It Out Groups

Write It Out Groups

September 2020: The Write it Out Groups have currently been suspended, due to the unpredictability of all our commitments at the moment. Please accept my apologies. I hope to reschedule the groups in the future.

During the recent unprecedented period of social isolation, I have been working online in a number of ways, offering support to fellow professionals managing the additional pressures that have been imposed on us all, as we try to fulfill our responsibilities and professional roles with our clients, despite numerous challenges. The toll on each one of us is not to be underestimated. We each approach self-care differently, seeking opportunities to sustain ourselves and others. For me, two approaches to this stand out: increasing self-awareness through the practice of mindfulness and the creative exploration of text and the written word as a way of monitoring and managing both internal states and external communication with others. If you look at other sections of this website you will see how much each approach means to me; together they inspire me and help me develop and maintain a strong sense of wellbeing.

I have established a new online space where I use this combination of approaches to offer support and self-care to fellow professionals:

The Write it Out Group aims to provide a space for therapists and practitioners to come together to share and explore the power and healing qualities of the written word. Within this group we will explore ways of mindfully pausing, reflecting and easing the stress of our busy lives as therapists in a safe space through poetry and prose. The focus will be on mutuality, collaboration and compassion.

We look at the words and imagery of others and also take time to craft some words of our own, either to share with each other or simply to explore and express what is on our minds and in our hearts.

If you have any specific queries about the groups, please use my Email Contact Form to get in touch.

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